Don't ask why, but I was listening to KPFK on the way home. It must've been The Socialist Hour--because it was a bunch of socialists complaining about how--ok, brace yourself--the Democratic Party has been steadily moving to the Right for several decades. Wow. Just wow.

[Update: Government internet surveillance may be getting a leg-up again through Executive Order.]

I would go so far...
I would go so far, as well, to agree with the Socialists that the War, the bailouts, the massive deficit spending of the past decade, and to some extent the housing crisis were truly bipartisan decisions. But this doesn't make these particularly conservative ideas or mean that the Two Parties are leaning Right.
Now, The Patriot Act is a complicated matter. This was bipartisan legislation that did not show up overnight but was kicked around for some time. In the interests of national security, even something as ominous as this Act might be a reasonable compromise if the alternatives were (a) waiting for the next terrorist act and (b) martial law and an ongoing state of emergency.

Andrew Sullivan (in his "Obama's Long Game" article) laments the various ways in which Obama reflects the "Bushisms" that "appalled" Sullivan so much; and yet all is swept under the rug because Obama put an end to enhanced interrogation techniques. (As far as we know anyway-Obama has been exceptionally secretive in spite of his transparency award.) Hallelujah! Redemption has been attained! No need to fear any longer! Can you imagine if the National Defense Resource Preparedness Act or the Emergency Powers Executive Order had come about under Bush's last term. There would have been rioting in the streets!

Republicans and Democrats, as patriotic Americans, should be skeptical of centralization and usurpation of power by any branch of government, no matter who is in power or what Party got them elected.
Personally, I think that with the post-Civil War rejection of the legitimate Anti-Federalist concern about a large standing army along with the modern threats of totalitarianism (now from Pan-Arabist, Islamo-theocrat front) present a unique problem with squaring the military might necessary for national security with the ability of citizenry to thwart a totalitarian takeover. Liberal wishful thinking that giving up power to hostile countries and to centralized government appeases hostility and magically turns it into rainbows is certainly not the answer. The nonpartisan Oathkeepers is certainly a step in the right direction, having servicemen vow to not obey military orders to violate the Bill of Rights. This includes rejecting orders to disarm the public.
Liberals seem to like the idea of radical administrations to be as armed as our own country, and yet think that our own citizens need to be disarmed. Most liberals seem to think that the 2nd Amendment is the most antiquated liberty ever, not believing (or maybe not being remotely aware) of its intent as a bulwark against totalitarianism and domestic terrorism. An unarmed people cannot protect themselves from a government that has gone rogue, as the colonies did when the British government repudiated their rights as Englishmen. The same political groups that swoon for dictators believe that we'll all be a lot safer if we let the government lock up all the guns so that only soldiers, policemen, and criminals will be carrying.

Conservatives do need to seriously weigh the consequences of military occupations (and be clear on what if anything is being gained by them) and what can be done to prevent abuses of innocent foreign citizens (which do not benefit America in anyway) and incidents like Abu Ghraib. And liberals and libertarians alike need to not bury their heads in the sand with regard to Islamoterrorism as as Bill Clinton did.
* By contrast the public seemed to know what "enhanced interrogation techniques" meant.
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